Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dare to share

I had a totally different topic I was going to write about but as with all my other plans in life, God sometimes has other ideas.  So, instead of forcing my way, which is usually the norm, I decided to get out of the way and write about what He keeps whispering in my ear.

One of the great things about being in recovery is the understanding and empathy that comes along with the healing.  This morning, as I was getting ready, I got a message that someone I have only a passing acquaintance with was in trouble and didn't know where to turn.  Now, normally I would have might have been annoyed or thought I was too busy, but something inside me said "get involved".

After quickly getting my kids breakfast, I called this person...not know exactly what to expect. After spending just a few minutes on the phone, I knew exactly what needed to be done and made the appropriate calls.

I write this not in a boastful way because I am nothing special and I haven't been formally trained. I have what I like to call "street cred"....been there, done that.  What this reminded me of is the importance of using the gift of sobriety to not only better myself, but to share it and hopefully help someone else along the way.

When an addict is in crisis or comes to the realization that they are not in control, they usually are not in a position to either make decisions or trust the ones they make.  That is where someone who is in recovery can be of more help than a family member or loved one.  Being a step removed provides a helicopter view of the situation and one can react not from emotion, rather from facts.

If you or someone you care about is an addict and don't know where to turn, seek out someone in recovery.  The best advice and counsel can come from someone who has been through the fire and made it to the other side.

If you are in recovery, share the gift you have been given.  For to keep it, we must give it away. Dare to share your recovery.

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